Jun 28, 2010

The alley of the kiss

"allEy Of tHe kIss leGenD"

It is said that Anna was the daughter of a violent man. She lived on the right side of the alley and was courted by a miner named Carlos. He lived on the left side of the alley and they used to meet clandestinely until one day her father found out and said that if they continued seeing each other he would send Anna to a convent or make her marry a rich old man in Spain. They were really in love. One night Carlos entered her bedroom and her father caught them, he got  extremely angry and drove a dagger into the breast of his daughter. Carlos kissed her as she fell dead.

The legend says that if you kiss your partner in the alley happiness will forecast for 7 years but if you don´t then you'll have bad luck instead.

yOu knOw... yOu have to viSit tHe alley Of the kIss aNd kIss yOur parTner on tHe thIrd stEp!!!! =D


daniel first a.k.a. darel said...

I really don't believe in love stories , so i cant find your article interesting but maybe other people will be interested in it!!!

Daniela Romero** said...

Mmmm I guess these kind of stories are too corny for me jeje, but they could be romantic I don´t deny, perhaps I just prefer to be more real about love refers