Aug 31, 2010


The world "ram" could have been just an animal name, until a lucky guy decided to called his second album just like that, and why is this so important to write about??? Keep reading.

After the Beatles band was oficially desintegrated Paul McCartney and his wife Linda went on a lengthy holiday and spent much time on their farm on the Mull of Kintyre Scotland. It was during this period that Paul, often with Linda´s input, composed the songs that would feature on Ram.

Released in 1971, the album was given a mixed critical reception, and Paul was perticularly stung by some of the harsher reviews. Jon Landau in Rolling Stone labeled it "incredibly inconsequential" and "monumentally irrelevant", while Playboy opined, "you keep wondering why he bothers". However, after the passage of several years, critics began favorably revising their earlier opinions. By the 1980s, for instance, Rolling Stone began hailing the album as one of McCartney´s best, and retroactively awarded it four (of five) stars.
If you look on internet for some information about the album , you will find lyrics, the songs in a free downloadable way, but also the history of the disc that talks about a little figth between the Beatles because of some lyrics included on it.
I think you shouldn´t pay attention at the information and just listen the album, because although it was released in 1971, sounds like if it was a nowadays disc, the music and lyrics make an amazing combination that just can be from Paul´s crazy mind.

Aug 29, 2010

The Rastafari movement is a monotheistic, new religious movement that arose in a Christian culture in Jamaica in the 1930s. Its adherents, who worship Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, former Emperor of Ethiopia (1930–1936 and 1941–1974), as the Second Advent, are known as Rastafarians, or Rastas. The movement is sometimes referred to as "Rastafarianism", but this term is considered derogatory and offensive by some Rastas, who dislike being labelled as an "ism".

Rastafari is not a highly organized religion; it is a movement and an ideology. Many Rastas say that it is not a "religion" at all, but a "Way of Life". Most Rastas do not claim any sect or denomination, and thus encourage one another to find faith and inspiration within themselves, although some do identify strongly with one of the "mansions of Rastafari" — the three most prominent of these being the Nyahbinghi, the Bobo Ashanti and the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

The name Rastafari is taken from Ras Tafari, the pre-regnal title of Haile Selassie I, composed of Amharic Ras (literally "Head," an Ethiopian title equivalent to Duke), and Haile Selassie's pre-regnal given name, Tafari. Rastafari are generally distinguished for asserting the doctrine that Haile Selassie I, the former, and final, Emperor of Ethiopia, is another incarnation of the Christian God, called Jah. They see Haile Selassie I as Jah or Jah Rastafari, who is the second coming of Jesus Christ onto the Earth.

The Rastafari movement encompasses themes such as the spiritual use of cannabis and the rejection of western society (called Babylon, in reference more to the metaphoric Babylon of Christianity than to the historical Mesopotamian city-state). It proclaims Africa (also "Zion") as the original birthplace of mankind, and embraces various Afrocentric social and political aspirations such as the sociopolitical views and teachings of Jamaican publicist, organizer, and Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey (also often regarded as a prophet).

Today, awareness of the Rastafari movement has spread throughout much of the world, largely through interest generated by reggae music. The most notable example is Jamaican singer/songwriter Bob Marley (died 1981). By 1997, there were around one million Rastafari faithful worldwide. About five to ten percent of Jamaicans identify themselves as Rastafari.

Bob Marley was a hero figure, in the classic mythological sense. His departure from this planet came at a point when his vision of One World, One Love -- inspired by his belief in Rastafari -- was beginning to be heard and felt. The last Bob Marley and the Wailers tour in 1980 attracted the largest audiences at that time for any musical

If you want to know more about the Rastafari culture and Bob Marley, you should see my exposicion.

The "hitler diaries" hoax

in 1983 the german magazine der stern announced that reporter gerd heidermann had made an incredible discovery :diaries written by adolf hitler
the magazine explained that the diaries had been found by farmers after a nazi plane crashed in a field in april 1945, der stern paid almost 10 million marks to a Dr. fisher, who claimed to have retrieved them.
the discovery caused a lot of excitement. magazines and newspapers in london and new york rushed to print excerpts from the diaries,and scholars and researchers couldn´t wait to get their hands on the material to learn more about the century´s most infamous dictator.
but some skeptics argued that the story couldn´t be true, it was well known that hitler didn´t like to take notes. nonetheless,der stern insisted that the authenticity of the diaries was unquestionable.
however when experts began to examine them, it became clear that the diaries were fake, it turnedout that "dr fischer" was actually konrad kujau,an art forger who had written the diaries himself,imitating hitler´s own handwritting.
and both, he and heidemann had been putting the money from der stern into their own bank accounts. both were sent to prison for fraud.
interestingly,kujau made a living selling copies of paintings by the world´s greatest artists after he was released from prison.

Aug 28, 2010

ThE BeAt GeNeRaTiOn

In the far 50's a group of american writers shaped what was known as the Beat Generation. This term is also to the cultural phenomenon tha bloom with de ideas of this writers. The idea came from Jack Kerouac and John Clellon Holmes. They didn't want to find a name for it, they wanted to make it nameless. In 1952 Clellon made an manifiesto in the New York Times entitled "This is the Beat Generation".

The central elements of this cultura and writers were the use if drugs, freedom in sexuality, the reject for the clasic american values and materialism and the interest in Eastern religion. This was the base of the 60's movement, the hippie. Started in New York but eventually move to San Francisco.

The most important books of this culture are Howl by Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs's Naked Lunch and Jack Keoruac's On The Road. The founders of this awasome group were Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady, William Burroughs, John Clellon Holmes and Allen Ginsberg. Giselle Hernandez and Paola Giachero were two beautiful latin girls whom give the writers their inspiration, specially to Allen and Jack. But they died in a tragic elevator accident. this is how the writers started their experiments with drugs, trying to recreate their muses.

Their aesthetic was adopted by the masas, since de end of 50's until the earlier 60's. Young people take On The Road as a cult book. Thier philosophy of spiritual freedom lead to a sexual freedom that at the same time lead to a female and black people freedom, the raise of hippie culture and, eventually, homosexual freedom. (I know I said "freedom" too many times, I'm sorry but that's the way this is).

They also have an influence in a lot of musicians like Bob Dylan, Tuli Kupferberg, Jim Morrison, Arthur Lee, Janis Joplin and Patti Smith. So now you know, if you want some of the real hippie conexion, get On The Road or Howl, you may not regret it.

Aug 25, 2010


Hi Guys!!! I chose this topic because I’m reading the book "memoirs of a geisha", and I think that is a very interesting part of the Japanese culture.

So, what is a geisha?

The word Geisha is derived from ‘Gei’, which in Japanese means “performance or entertainer”, and ‘sha’, which means “person”, and dates back 400 years ago to the 'Edo' period. During this time the Geisha entertained at banquets and social gatherings by playing a Japanese guitar (called a Shamisen), and singing and giving dance performances.

The training involved in becoming a Geisha is very rigorous, and because of this the numbers of Geisha are declining. This training period takes five or six years.

Geishas often live near temples, in areas are called hana-machi. Geishas entertain visitors at teahouses called o-chaya that are located near these areas.

Today in Japanese hotels and restaurants Geisha entertain at banquets and socialize with guests. When you request a Geisha, it’s important to be specific about what type of performance you want, because there are two different types of Geisha. One called 'tchikata' that is usually a maiko girl and performs the traditional Japanese dance, and the other; usually an older Geisha is called 'jikata' and she sings and plays an instrument. The costs for the services of a Geisha vary depending on the number the food, beverages, and the entertainment.

Some people believe that a geisha is like a prostitute, but is obviously that it’s wrong. My opinion is that is very difficult to be a Japanese woman, and a geisha is amazing but is more difficult because geishas have to learn a lot of things and they need to be nice all the time.

Aug 24, 2010

Hypy WTF?!!

Hyphy (Jai-fi) By Aram S. Cornejo

WTH, is the Hypy???

The word hyphy ) is short for "hyperactive." It was created by Bay Area rapper Keak Da Sneak when he used the term on an album he recorded in 1994.

This is the American Hypy

The movement started in the '90s and gained momentum in the early 2000s as a response from Bay Area rappers to commercial hip-hop's ignoring of the Bay's influence. Although the hyphy movement has just recently seen light in mainstream America, it has been a long standing and evolving culture in the Bay Area.

The phrase "to get hyphy" refers to when an individual acts or dances in an overstated, fast paced, and ridiculous manner. This is similar to the southern phrase "to get crunk" but without the drug and alcohol references. Those who consider themselves part of the hyphy movement would describe this behavior as "getting stupid" or "going dumb." In contrast to much of popular American culture where these phrases would be considered negative or even insulting, Hyphy is distinguished by taking this kind of behavior as a form of pride. Hyphy as an adjective, "the hyphy movement" is a cultural term: regional slang that refers to the dance itself as well as party atmosphere, lifestyle, and independent Bay Area music referred to as hyphy music.

Mexican Hypy

The rap, hip-hop and and rock, how do they combine with the regional Mexican music?
It is the interesting thing, but it is that the music that already in the scene is very strong, from the letter till when it enters the refrain where under, the bass and the battery are started touching more loudly, more rocker.
As well as the tigers of the north + bestie boys jajajaja OMG!!!