Aug 28, 2010

ThE BeAt GeNeRaTiOn

In the far 50's a group of american writers shaped what was known as the Beat Generation. This term is also to the cultural phenomenon tha bloom with de ideas of this writers. The idea came from Jack Kerouac and John Clellon Holmes. They didn't want to find a name for it, they wanted to make it nameless. In 1952 Clellon made an manifiesto in the New York Times entitled "This is the Beat Generation".

The central elements of this cultura and writers were the use if drugs, freedom in sexuality, the reject for the clasic american values and materialism and the interest in Eastern religion. This was the base of the 60's movement, the hippie. Started in New York but eventually move to San Francisco.

The most important books of this culture are Howl by Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs's Naked Lunch and Jack Keoruac's On The Road. The founders of this awasome group were Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady, William Burroughs, John Clellon Holmes and Allen Ginsberg. Giselle Hernandez and Paola Giachero were two beautiful latin girls whom give the writers their inspiration, specially to Allen and Jack. But they died in a tragic elevator accident. this is how the writers started their experiments with drugs, trying to recreate their muses.

Their aesthetic was adopted by the masas, since de end of 50's until the earlier 60's. Young people take On The Road as a cult book. Thier philosophy of spiritual freedom lead to a sexual freedom that at the same time lead to a female and black people freedom, the raise of hippie culture and, eventually, homosexual freedom. (I know I said "freedom" too many times, I'm sorry but that's the way this is).

They also have an influence in a lot of musicians like Bob Dylan, Tuli Kupferberg, Jim Morrison, Arthur Lee, Janis Joplin and Patti Smith. So now you know, if you want some of the real hippie conexion, get On The Road or Howl, you may not regret it.

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