The market is evolving vertiginously, not only by the protagonist that the client has acquired in these last times, but because the new technologies in the economic world, besides the Internet, have created the necessity to create a new strategic vision that it does difficult to predict his final reach and consequences.
The consumers have taken the relief to the production; since at present, they are the true creators of the interest of the companies, is there where the brand of each company or product enters.
The brand is, essentially, a promise. Therefore, it is not enough whereupon it satisfies the needs and expectations with the clients. It must be able to wake up enthusiasm and to create lasting loyalties. The new mandate of marketing, therefore, consists of creating a powerful brand, which inspires confidence and of which emanates an excellent and differentiated promise.
To have a strong name can be, besides valuable assets, the more effective competitive weapon for a company. And although the brands do not have a limited service life, a bad administration can kill them or cause that they are losing value throughout the time. Therefore all effort is very important that the company pawns on securing the wished positioning, but the positioning does not talk about the product, but to which it takes control of the mind of the probable clients or people to whom it is wanted to influence; this is how the product in the mind of these is located.
Thanks to the globalization and to the constant bombing of publicity we have forgotten than in fact we needed and what we are buying, a clear example is when we wished a tail soda water of cola you request as it…. Can you give me a tail soda water of cola or a Coca-Cola?
And if they do not believe me you can see the next video. Logorama is an animated short French of 16 minutes, directed by Fran1cois Alaux, Hervé de Crecy and Ludovic Houplain and produced by Author of Minuit. The film presents/displays diverse situations happened in a Los Angeles filled with more than 2.500 logos and mascots of diverse companies. The short gained the Kodak Prize in the Festival of Cinema of Dogs of the 2009, and the Oscar to the best short animated in the Prizes Oscar of 2010.
Logorama explores the extent to which logos are embedded in our daily existence. Said members of H5, "Logorama presents us with an over-marketed world built only from logos and real trademarks that are destroyed by a series of natural disasters (including an earthquake and a tidal wave of oil). Logotypes are used to describe an alarming universe (similar to the one that we are living in) with all the graphic signs that accompany us everyday in our lives. This over-organized universe is violently transformed by the cataclysm becoming fantastic and absurd. It shows the victory of the creative against the rational, where nature and human fantasy triumph."
And i have a theory..... minimun you know 20 brands in the video.
only you click the next link
The video is great! and I think that brands are only creating needs but it is true that we are to blame for his own power. Buy made in Mexico \m/
This computer does not let me to watch the video!
... but the post´s great
brands are not only part of our lifes but they have a strong influence in the development of society and our behavior
even though marketing can be hazardous, advertisment is an important element of Pop Art and there´s a lot of creativity behind.
God post, nice info!
Realy nice video!!
It´s true the brands are inserted in our minds, like your example of the Coca Cola, or Sabritas that has sold the idea " You can´t eat just one" It´s true!!.. And like this examples a lot..
today the brands are in our lifes in all things. And the marketing is a boom to people buy all products that they can see.
if you see food in TV you will buy this kind of food because your mind catch the idea and you will go to try the food.
I like the video...
how amazing video!!. its true,all companies around the world spend a lot of money in advertising campaigns unfortunately the media attack us with all this publicity, many times we don't think about the quality of products or services that they sell us, only we buy brands because is what we see everywhere
I think that the brands are very important over the decisions that the people make to buy and spend.
So many brands are successful because have reached to be in mind of the consumers and have obtain loyal customers.
Did you notice how your mind evaluate the prestige of each of those brands, only with listening their names????
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