The word hyphy ) is short for "hyperactive." It was created by Bay Area rapper Keak Da Sneak when he used the term on an album he recorded in 1994.
This is the American Hypy
The movement started in the '90s and gained momentum in the early 2000s as a response from Bay Area rappers to commercial hip-hop's ignoring of the Bay's influence. Although the hyphy movement has just recently seen light in mainstream America, it has been a long standing and evolving culture in the Bay Area.
The phrase "to get hyphy" refers to when an individual acts or dances in an overstated, fast paced, and ridiculous manner. This is similar to the southern phrase "to get crunk" but without the drug and alcohol references. Those who consider themselves part of the hyphy movement would describe this behavior as "getting stupid" or "going dumb." In contrast to much of popular American culture where these phrases would be considered negative or even insulting, Hyphy is distinguished by taking this kind of behavior as a form of pride. Hyphy as an adjective, "the hyphy movement" is a cultural term: regional slang that refers to the dance itself as well as party atmosphere, lifestyle, and independent Bay Area music referred to as hyphy music.
Mexican Hypy
The rap, hip-hop and and rock, how do they combine with the regional Mexican music?
It is the interesting thing, but it is that the music that already in the scene is very strong, from the letter till when it enters the refrain where under, the bass and the battery are started touching more loudly, more rocker.
As well as the tigers of the north + bestie boys jajajaja OMG!!!
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