Jun 25, 2010


Malinalco is a town famous for its cultural tradition, its natural scenery and archaeological sites.
Comes from the Nahuatl Malinalco Malinalxoch of malinalli and Xochitl (flower), and means "the flower of Malinalli '.

At the foot of the entrance to the temple, we found a huge forked tongue lying east of the door. We can see the beautiful sculpture of the head of a snake-belligerent in which lie the remains of the statue of a warrior. It is impressive to enter through the opening of the mouth of the snake.

The main function of this temple was to be the site where they carried out the Initiation ceremonies for Eagle and Jaguar warriors, dominated thus sculptures of these animals, but a third figure is the fundamental important snake.

This interesting construction covered two rooms: one rectangular and the second circular. Within the first is thought that they carried out the festivities. It is believed that this ceremony was done every 260 days, “The Netonatiuhzaualiztli”, the great festival of the Sun.
In the second room were carried out fighting between warriors Eagles and Jaguars.


stephany said...

I liked the article. really I like to know these places where we can find peace and tranquility. But where is the city??

anel04 said...

i like because is teh interesting to know on the places

daniel first a.k.a. darel said...

i like your article, however i wanna know what is the name of the city????

stephany said...

I think it's an interesting site, I would like to visit and learn more about the place. and I think it is important to know these places, there are many in our country and are not known.

Daniela Romero** said...

Mexico have a great background about his culture, that is why I think it´s never gonna be another country like our, full of diverse nature, with a lot of traditions and identity.

Fanny I agree with you about your comment, there are many places like Malinalco in our country are being unknown, how sadness situation ´cause we should try to met them.

Guys feel proud for being mexican... we are pretty singular from the rest of the countries around the world, so that is cool, isn´t it?????

EduardoHernandez said...

In my opinion malinalco is a very important place because we can know about our culture